Friday, September 16, 2005

It is nobody's fault but someone else's

Wow. So this woman writes an article in the Daily Tarheel that seems to come out in favor of racial profiling. Or, rather, of sexually assaulting people of Arabic descent. Via here via here (so I wonder which side of this issue I'm going to fall on...).

She got canned.
She got canned for apparently suggesting her contacts implied something they didn't mean.
She's not happy about her termination (jury's still out on its legality in my book since I know nothing about the situation, regardless of her opinions. It's suggested that the Editor should have edited better).
Her defense has to do with how she just added her opinion to the piece, and that it is the fault of the readers for inferring, not hers for implying. Also, it's the fault of her Editor for not catching it.

There are a number of things wrong with this. One is her complaints about the angry messages and even threats (the latter of which I can't say I'm a fan) she received over the article. Cause, you know, talking about "sexing up" Arabic people at the airport is a universal sentiment and in no way pisses anybody off. Also racial profiling. Last I checked, everyone loves it. Nice forethought.

Next, if your interviewees complain that you misrepresented them, that's a valid complaint. If all of the people did so (they did, according to the editor), it's not going to look good for you.

Also, she doesn't come across as the sharpest tool in the shed, nor does she appear to be out for integrity. Examples?


And I care about the lives of the Arabs and Arab Americans I’m privileged to know and study with.

They’re some of the brightest, kindest people I’ve ever met.

"Sure I like _______. Some of my best friends are _______." I wonder if she'd understand the humor behind Black People Love Us.


And Ann Coulter graced me with a comment on her Web site yesterday: “In what is always the first step to ending up on the bestsellers list, the writer, Jillian Bandes, has been fired from the Daily Tarheel.”

Yes, Jill. Please quote Ann Coulter. She is clearly a "Journalist" and in no way a sensationalist. She only serves to further the national discourse into a much more profound realm. Also, "grace" is the first word that I associate with that woman. And quote her on how she sees this as your meal ticket. Cause that goes to show how you really cared about your topic deeply.

Is that really what this is about? Fame and bestsellerdom? Congratulations, then. You've made the national spotlight. Just work on thickenning that skin a little more if this is what you think you want.


Blogger design*sponge said...

hooray for beige on the outside. now i can follow your life in blog form. because well, we all know how lazy i am.

:) grace

10/04/2005 11:35 AM  

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